Child and Youth Protection Policy*


This policy is intended:

  • To be faithful to our baptismal vows as we seek to welcome children and remove stumbling blocks.
  • To provide a safe and secure environment for children and youth at CSCPC.
  • To protect children and youth from sexual, physical, and emotional abuse while participating in CSCPC activities.
  • To provide a mechanism to deal with reported concerns and subsequent actions. 
  • To guide CSCPC as an institution in the conduct of its employees and volunteers and prevent incidents and allegations of child abuse.
  • To protect adult volunteers and employees from unwarranted allegations of child abuse. This policy addresses five components of child and youth protection:
  1. Screening applicants for employment and volunteer service for a history of behavior potentially detrimental to children and youth.
  2. Training both employees and volunteers and children and youth in the child and youth protection policy and in appropriate supervision and chaperoning.
  3. Reporting allegations and/or concerns regarding child and youth protection issues
  4. Responding to allegations and/or concerns regarding child and youth protection issues.
  5. Addressing known offenders as members of CSCPC


This policy applies to persons including CSCPC employees and volunteers participating in all children and youth programs of CSCPC, including but not limited to:

  • Sunday school classes
  • Children and youth fellowship programs
  • Preschool
  • Children and youth programs
  • Church sponsored retreats, mission trips, etc. • Vacation Bible School
  • Family Life Center, Fellowship Hall and their sponsored activities. • Church sponsored athletic teams
  • Nurseries and child care 

* For a detailed copy of our policy contact the church office.